Research Projects
Research Project​
Post-Soviet Ethnic Politics and Public Goods Provision
In my dissertation project, I analyzed the role of ethnic identity in individuals’ relationship to the state and the delivery of public goods and services. In particular, I examined the influence of institutional ethnic dominance and informal social ties in the supply and demand sides of public goods provision, respectively. I conducted my primary field research in Kyrgyzstan in 2016-17, with a short period of research in June 2018. I carried out more than 50 semi-structured interviews and 10 focus group sessions with representatives from various sectors of society, including local politicians, NGO leaders, and “everyday” Kyrgyzstanis. I additionally employ quantitative analysis to analyze large-N data from the Life in Kyrgyzstan dataset and, in order to broaden the comparative scope to a variety of former Soviet states, USAID’s Demographic and Health Surveys.
I devote particular attention in my dissertation to the Soviet institutional legacies of “titular nation” status in the fourteen non-Russian union republics and informal governance practices, analyzing how these jointly affect channels for societal demand and governmental supply of public goods and services in the present period. Departing from the focus of existing research on the effects of ethnic diversity, I explore how institutional ethnic domination by titular groups (i.e. Kyrgyz in Kyrgyzstan) and informal social networks determine access to vital public goods, such as education, infrastructure, and human security. Both in my qualitative and quantitative analysis, I find that members of the titular community express higher evaluations of the provision of public goods and services compared to members of other ethnic groups. Additionally, I find that informal social ties allow ethnic Kyrgyz to influence the flow of state resources in a way that is not found among non-Kyrgyz. Thus, there is an additive effect of ethnic identity and informal social ties that benefits titular ethnic group members in both the demand (bottom-up) and supply (top-down) elements of public goods and service provision.
I am in the process of broadening the geographical scope of my field research in order to conduct comparative analysis of Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, and Latvia. The first stage of this effort is fieldwork in Georgia (July 2018, summer 2023, summer 2024, spring 2025) during which I am conducting surveys in Kvemo Kartli and Samtskhe Javakheti regions, interviewing members of parliament and local government about their decision-making processes in the formulation of legislation and general conduct in the sphere of public goods and service provision, interviewing non-elites about their experiences with requesting and receiving public goods and services, and conducting interviews with civil society leaders in areas of ethnic minority concentration. This comparative research will be the basis for a book project on the influence of Soviet institutional legacies on governance.

“External Threat and the Contours of Ukrainian National Identity” (with Scott Feinstein—Forthcoming, Europe-Asia Studies)
“Whose Ties Still Bind? Ethnic Domination, Informal Social Networks, and Public Goods Provision in Kyrgyzstan” (2023) Problems of Post-Communism, 70(1), 14-31.
“Paradoxes of Minority Representation: A Comparison of Russophone Political Attitudes in Estonia and Latvia” (with Peter Chereson) (2023) Journal of Baltic Studies, 54(3), 581-599.
“Stereotypes and Stereotype Threats Experienced by Latinx Undergraduate Engineering Students”
(with co-authors) (2023) International Journal of Engineering Education, 39(5), 1181-1195.
“Knowledge-Behavior Gap in Tap Water Consumption in Puerto Rico: Implications for Water Utilities” (with co-authors, Forthcoming—Published Online, ASCE Open: Multidisciplinary Journal of Civil Engineering)
Working Papers​
Copies available upon request
“The Language of Access: Determinants of Distributive Efficacy in Georgia’s Multiethnic Kvemo Kartli Region” (Revise and Resubmit)
“Ethnic Ukrainian Coherence after the 2022 Russian Full-Scale Invasion” (with Scott Feinstein, Revise and Resubmit)
“Effects of Water Insecurity on Psychological Resilience of Older Adults in Puerto Rico” (with co- authors, Under Journal Review)
“Improving Integration of Ukrainian Refugees in the US Through Equitable Housing Services” (with Scott Feinstein, Nell Gabiam, and Cristina Poleacovschi)
“Ethnic Politics, Kin State Influence, and Public Goods Provision in the Republic of Georgia”
​“For Kith and Kin? Ethnic and Regional Distributive Politics in the Post-Soviet States”
​“Subnational Solidarity and Social Development in Russia” (with Colin Johnson, Idaho State University)
“Rhetoric and Action in the Failure of Global Governance: The (in)action of the OSCE in the June 2010 Osh Riots” ​
“Career Paths of Members of the European Parliament Since 2004” (with Carol Skalnik Leff, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)